Sunday, 23 August 2015

Thomian - Marian Dinner by Alumni Thomian 94

There is a common saying among Thomians and i believe Marians as well.

"You will always be a Thomian, or Marian, even if you were at the school for just one day."

With that spirit, the Alumni Thomian 94 are calling Thomians and Marians of all era, to join us for this exciting and prestigious event.

The Alumni Thomian 94, or Pertubuhan Alumni Thomian 94 is a registered social works oriented organisation setup with an objective to reunite all Class of Form Five 1994, those born in 1977 as well those who have attended the kindergarten, primary and secondary level of SRB & SMB St Thomas Kuching. Apart from that, the Alumni is embarking on promoting voluntary work for the benefit of the school and the community.

Apart from celebrating the Thomian and Marian 94 21st Anniversary, the Alumni Thomian 94 also hope the involvement of all Thomians and Marians for this event will ignite the spirit of the good old days, and use this opportunity to reconnect, reacquainted and of course, REUNITE with old friends.

Do Join Us!!!

Exciting activities has been lined up such as exchange gifts, lucky draw, karaoke , best couple and the most supporting and outstanding couple of all... and we just getting started... :-)

Ticket Price : RM60 per person
Half price for 5 - 12 year old

Details on sales of ticket and where you can get them will be announce soon.

See you guys... and girls... there!

Pertubuhan Contact No: +6014 999 5113

For those of my Thomians and Marians Friends and buddies .... if you all have not receive this info on our up coming reunion here are the information .... seats are limited ... so is base on first come first serve basis ... Pls take note ...
Thomians ... pls support this events ...
Slmt Sejahtera dan Slmt Malam semua... Hebahan utk semua " Thomian n Marian "....kami akan adakan dinner bersama..details spt dibawah :

Thomian Marian Reunion Dinner 2015
"Memori Sepanjang Zaman"
12.12.15, Merdeka Palace
Fees :
RM 60 (adult)
RM 30 (5 - 12 years old)
Pakaian : Black & Blue
For Further Information Contact Person:
Andre (014 999 5113)
Sophian (016 876 4570)
Dahlia@Dolly (017 231 7708)
Yarny (019 888 1323)
Yulhardy (016 8788 234)

jommm...come n join us...

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